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positive energy

In the Gratitude Space


In the Gratitude Space

I’m in the gratitude space as I walk through these magnificent vines in the golden dawn. Last night Cloudburst was awarded three trophies in the Margaret River Wine Show. The efforts of so many people figure into our triumph and I’m humbled by their love and dedication and support that have enabled this astonishing venture to bear such magnificent fruit.  

The wine began here in the vineyard, on these soils, from these plants. Their generosity overwhelms me, encourages me to do more to be present, to listen more clearly in order to discover what is called for, to enable me to mediate between worlds. I’m viscerally aware that this huge gift is not particularly earned by my efforts, attitude or skillfulness, that I’m not exactly entitled, that in some part it has been bestowed by the spirit of this place. In actuality there’s just a particular magic here that I’ve been exceptionally lucky to be around to experience, to appreciate and to learn from.

And so I’m making the rounds again with senses open. Can I follow the energy and get out of the way? Can I allow what is present to emerge and come forth? Can I step outside of myself enough for something unexpected, exceptional to arise? Can I get out of the way and let it happen? I’m so grateful to have come this far and to have the chance to continue.

That storied white tailed black cockatoo dips in with a greeting “caheeah” causing me to lift my head and catch a magic splash of bluegold light glancing off of a wobbling leaf shaking a solo dance in the dewstruck dawn, and for a moment I am able to see a field of tendrils talking to each other, before I tangle in a spiderweb and pause to extricate myself, then notice and bend to pull another weed.
