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Cloudburst Wine

Chardonnay is Coming to Life


Chardonnay is Coming to Life

I peeked in on the Chardonnay again today. The ferment is pretty much completed. When I pulled the bung and put my ear to the hole I heard that lovely fizzing song – one of my very favorite sounds in vintage. There’s also a deep slow resonating bass reverberation that rises out of the barrel. It’s a sound of strength and endurance and is one of the most heartening vibrations I know.

The working winery is a noisy place resounding with the music of organized chaos. I find a harmony in the cacophony of the focused energies of the crush. The chug of the pump sounds the heartbeat as it sends the gorgeous liquids splashing through the hoses, the blood vessels, of the winery. Everywhere at once comes the sound of vintage – the ubiquitous forklift driving, backing, humming; the sorting table vibrating, the precious juice swishing from the depths of the press into the catch-pan, the dulled splash of the pumpover, the whoosh of water sprayed in the endless course of cleaning, the deep bass of the power washer kicking in its subwoofer authoritative refrain.

And then all of a sudden the activity shifts, the noise level drops out and the sound and feel of the outside moves in. The birds are yakking it up in the Marri blossoms and there’s the slightest chill in the air. And summer is just a memory singing in the wine.


Good Morning Chardonnay


Good Morning Chardonnay



I was in the vineyard in the early morning. The sun hadn't topped the Marri redgum trees, which are in full blossom, (literally driving my bees into an intoxicated frenzy), and there was the unfamiliar presence of dew on the ground. Fall has really arrived down under and it continues to be strange to me, a Northern Hemisphero, to be experiencing autumn at this date in the year. Doubly strange to be hearing of all my friends' Spring doings back in the States, with their hankering to move outside, when my attention is heading within...  We picked the Chardonnay a couple of weeks ago and the leaves have yellowed considerably, with some shriveling. It feels decidedly different to walk through now - not just that the fruit is gone, but also there's that tangible sense that life is going inward, that the energy of the block has shifted. Even the spiders seem to be less active here.  Generally I encounter many more webs as I walk through, but their activity seems to have diminished somewhat. Echoing Holden Caulfield, I wander through the vines wondering where the spiders go in winter.

At harvest we whole-bunch pressed the Chardonnay right into barrel where it immediately began to ferment, entirely with wild yeasts. The entire batch took off running and didn't stop until it was dry. We topped it off a few days ago and I had a taste and was overwhelmed by our great good fortune at having made such an astonishingly complex and elegant wine. Here's a picture of a few berries that made it into the barrel. Note the high-tech spoon used to remove them:        

Afterwards I gave the barrels a loving scrub and they looked so nice I had to posteriticize them.

After pressing the juice out of the Chardonnay, I took the pressings back to the vineyard where I will be composting them soon. Their sweet liquid was a magnet for every insect in the territory, but no competition for the Marris whose scent is on the breeze even now. Here's a snap of the pile (weeks after sitting here) to which I will be adding grass clippings and cow manure and various biodynamic preparations: 

It's a way of returning the nutrients removed from the vineyard to the soil in a way that makes them bio-available, that is to say in a form that is easily absorbable by the plants.

